Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Let's try again

After reading Tobold's blog about MMORPGs it reminded me that I started a blog a while ago myself, specifically about World of Warcraft, arguably the most successful Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game ever, with currently over 10 million subscribers worldwide.

I looked at the last time I posted something to that blog and was a little surprised to learn that it was very nearly a year ago!

I know what happened; I started before I went away on holiday - 2 years ago (ahem!), then it fizzled out after I came back, and after all, I guess there is only a limited amount you can write about 1 game, unless you are one of those people who plays a lot and has a whole website dedicated to things like progressing your character and making money in-game.

Anyway, I will try and give this another go, but thought it may be a good idea to widen the parameters of what I will ramble on about; suffice to say it will not be just about World of Warcraft but about what I have been getting up to in general.

Today wasn't wildly exciting - drove to work for a change - I normally cycle, but with the office being out all afternoon I wasn't happy leaving my bike unattended for that length of time, so I took the car instead. It tends to be a bit safer leaving a car as they are fitted with various devices intended to stop any would-be thief running off with your pride and joy.

I know its not a Bugatti Veyron, but I love it all the same - its a Toyota Corolla Verso (mini MPV) and we got it brand new in October 2008 - our first real brand new 'family' car. We did buy a Picanto around 4 years ago but that was very much my wife's car (which she loved too and was sad to see it go).

Anyway, back to work: we had a company-wide meeting to discuss what was happening with it going forward - essentially the company is two separate ones that started working in collaboration a few years ago and have decided to now make it official by bringing it all under one name, and at the same time streamlining all the various day to day operations of the business. I have to admit that I was struggling by this afternoon with concentration, and was glad to get out and go back home!

When I got back in my car to go home I returned a call that I received earlier from someone who wanted to see me about a position they have available, problem being that it is in London. My current situation is that I am in a job that I am reasonably happy in, it is in the same town where I live, and I am now much better off financially than I ever have been. To be honest, I don't think I want to travel to London every day for a job with a company that has just opened a new operation in the middle of a deep recession. I reckon I am better off sitting tight for now, where I can be home by 6pm every day and see my wife and kids, and stay relatively fit to boot.

Now if the job was paying around £100,000 per year more than what I am earning now it might be a different story, but they are not, and I am not really that interested.

I think my laptop is on the way out - there is something definitely not right as it keeps flicking back to the other browser window I have open - maybe a restart is in order, but I am going to go back to exploring Tirisfal Glades in WoW and do some more study before I go to bed.

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